A data driven model for credit scoring of loan applicants within a crowdfunding scenario in a P2P lending platform in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


School of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran


Crowdfunding is a fundraising tool to solicit many small amounts of capital from a large number of potential investors. Peer to peer lending is known as a main type of crowdfunding in which lenders and borrowers can interact directly through an online platform. By eliminating the intermediaries and therefore reducing operating expenses, P2P platforms can provide a win-win situation for both borrowers and lenders. However, the absence of intermediaries –such as banks- increases the risk of loan repayment fraud. To avoid such losses, credit scoring methods help lenders to decide on a specific loan by assessing corresponding credit risk. This paper proposes a credit scoring model on a P2P lending platform in Iran. Although data-driven approaches have increasingly used to enhance credit scoring within financial domains, there is a lack of research on assessing the usability of these approaches within P2P crowdfunding scenarios. This research focuses on developing a novel data-driven model that can enhance P2P credit scoring within crowdfunding scenarios. To do so, on the basis of data from an Iranian P2P lending platform, five different tree-based classifiers were developed, among which Random Forest resulted in the best accuracy (97.80%). Lenders in the used platform are businesses, each having a different risk tolerance threshold. A default probability was computed for each loan request to help lenders make decisions based on their own risk tolerance. The results clearly demonstrate how novel data analytics approaches can enhance intelligent decision making about P2P funding within P2P lending platforms.


Main Subjects

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