Lean thinking concept application for improving quality service of public services

Document Type : Research Paper


Industrial Engineering Department, Mercu Buana University, Jakarta, Indonesia


Depictions of the service process, usually done through the service cycle assessment. This cycle includes a process of mapping that service since it was first customer related with service providers until the completion of transaction processing. Even after the transaction is resolved there is still a service that can be categorized as after sales service. Healthcare, is among the companies engaged in public pelayananan sector, particularly in public health services. To fulfill the needs of the customer / patient, hence company is always working in order the health services provided in accordance with customer expectations.Measuring the level of patient satisfaction can be done by using several indicators such as patient satisfaction on health services access, quality health services, process health services and health service system. It could be argued that the measurement of quality of health services, and all the results or consequences of health services contained in the output has the potential to be a problem of quality in health service. The method used is by apply the concept of lean thinking, to reduce the 7 (seven) waste that considered very harmful. The achievement of the improvement process in the handling of services, is expected to accelerate and reduce waste in the process of health service. Another technique used to identify and help search for potential problems is the use of FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis).


Main Subjects

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